Is Poplar Safe for Firewood?

by C gill

I have very seasoned Poplar wood - the tree stood dead (after a hurricane took it) for probably 8 years. I have been burning it in my fireplace but am told that poplar is not a good wood to burn. Is it safe for fireplace burning? I'm certain that it is totally dried out.


Poplar is perfectly safe for burning in your fireplace. Especially since it is properly seasoned, you won't have any problems.

The reason people have been telling you not to burn poplar is only because it is not an ideal firewood species. Because poplar isn't a dense hardwood, it tends to burn quickly. Compared to a species like maple or oak, poplar is inferior only because of its heating qualities.

The biggest difference you will see between poplar and more typical firewood species, will be that you will literally burn twice as much of it to keep the fire going.

My advice with poplar is that you never pay full price when buying it because of its low heating value. Other than that, just realize that it doesn't burn quite as hot or as long as the best species out there such as oak or maple.

Hope this helps!

-Firewood Matt

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Nov 01, 2015
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Dec 11, 2012
by: p4n

Thanks for the comments, got some free poplar wood just wanted to know if it was safe, this article helped!

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