How close can I put furniture to a wood stove?

by Edward
(Milton FL)

I have not used my stove in a few years but would like to do so again. The problem is I use the space about 5 ft from the stove. I have my desk and computer nearby. How much clear area do I need in front of a wood stove that is an insert to the old fireplace?



All wood stoves are different and therefore, most will specify in the owner's manual the clearances that should be followed regarding furniture, floor, walls, etc.

A good rule of thumb is that unless you know otherwise, 48" of clearance will be safe. Most stoves require less, some significantly less but 48" is a good number to start with. If your computer desk and other furniture is approximately 5 feet away from the stove, you'll be fine.

Happy Burning!

-Firewood Matt

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Nov 09, 2015
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I believe you shouldn't put your computer so close. There may be a situation when the fire can heat it to the abnormal temperature, and it will cause damage. I was told to put my computer at least 10 ft away. Sure this helped me avoid unpleasant situations.

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