Firewood Storage: How close is "too close" to the house?

by John Gray
(Newton, MS)

How close is 'too close to the house' for firewood storage. I am considering moving firewood from about 75 feet to about 25 feet from house. My wife fears bugs, critters, fire hazard, and other unknowns.

As you may have guessed, I tote the firewood in and wish to make it easier on myself. Thus far, I can't see any risk in 25 vs 75 feet, but she is the BOSS and her paranoia trumps my argument. Please provide comments, facts, thoughts, pros and cons, etc. Thanks!


Excellent question, John. Unfortunately, the answer isn't really cut and dry. I'll give you my thoughts and both sides of the argument to help you make your decision.

The major concerns about storing firewood close to a house are bug infestation and possibly a mold/moisture problem if storing it inside or directly against the house. The good news is that 25 feet away from the house is a pretty good buffer zone. Personally, I consider there to be little risk in moving the pile 25 feet from the house.

Basically, the only real concern with having your firewood closer would be the threat of bugs. Here are some good preventative measures you can take to greatly reduce the risk of a bug infestation:


Keep the firewood elevated. Many infestation problems arise from improper storage. Wood gets wet from the moisture in the ground, starts rotting and becomes a bug paradise.


Only move the more seasoned wood closer to your house. Keep your old storage area for the wood that is more freshly cut, once it has seasoned you can bring it closer. Once firewood is seasoned, there will be far less bugs to worry about.


Keep the area clean. Make it a point to sweep up loose bark pieces and other debris around the firewood stack or pile.

In conclusion, there is little risk in moving the firewood closer to your house provided that you keep the 25 foot buffer zone. Personally, I would definitely do it to save myself 100' of traveling on every run outside. There is more risk, albeit a very small one, for bugs to become a problem. By taking the actions I have suggested, you'll be able to greatly reduce these risks. I hope this helps!

-Firewood Matt

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Oct 30, 2015
Education NEW
by: John Northfield

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