Does the type of bark effect wood splitting?

by Brian
(Beaverton, Oregon)

I'm doing a science project and I just wanted to know what types of bark have anything to do with splitting firewood?

For example bark that grows around the tree like cherry or up and down the tree like fir?



Bark can have an effect on splitting firewood, but it's usually a minor one.

One particular species that comes to mind is white birch (Betula papyrifera). The outside bark of white birch is oriented in a horizontal direction. This can cause the bark to hold the wood together even if the wood itself (the heartwood and sapwood) are split.

That being said it only takes a small amount of effort to split the bark too.

Truth be told, bark often falls off the wood when splitting firewood anyway. This is particularly prevelant when splitting wood in the spring. The bark is naturally loose this time of the year because the cambium of the wood is preparing for growth and it causes the bark to become loose.

So to answer your question, yes bark can effect firewood splitting, but only in a small way.

Hope this helps, good luck with your project! If you have any more questions with you project, please use the comment form below to ask a follow-up question.

-Firewood Matt

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Jan 07, 2011
by: brian

Thanks firewood matt!!!! That was great I am almost done with my project.

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