How long should I cut my firewood?

by Nick

I know that it's not wise to split firewood pieces into sizes greater than 6" for most applications, but how long should I cut the pieces?



The length of firewood pieces is entirely dependent on the size of your wood burning appliance. Many newer small-sized stoves only take 12" or 14" lengths. However, the most common firewood length is 16". Many folks that have larger stoves/fireplaces will cut their firewood to longer lengths. That is fine as long as it will fit into your wood stove or fireplace. It's common for owners of outdoor wood furnaces to cut their firewood to lengths as long as 24 inches.

I recommend you measure your stove or fireplace and make a decision from there. Using long firewood doesn't affect it's ability to season and burn properly anywhere near as much as using really thick pieces of firewood.

Hope this helps!

-Firewood Matt

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Oct 16, 2015
Length NEW

The length of the pieces you should do have to fit to your fireplace or wood stove. So you can actually do as you need.

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