Fresh Cut Tree as Firewood

by Esther Graf
(Loma Linda, Ca USA 92354)

Can I use fresh cut wood for firewood without storing and drying it first?


I don't recommend using fresh cut wood for burning. It is both inefficient from a heating standpoint and dangerous for your chimney. A freshly cut log has too much moisture in it. The moisture makes the burning inefficient and it also causes creosote to build up in your chimney. This will lead to chimney fires which can do serious damage.

It's best to buy some dry firewood for this winter and process your fresh firewood now in order to burn it next year.

Good Luck!

-Firewood Matt

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Nov 09, 2015
fresh NEW

My name is Samantha, and I'm a professional operator on firewood questions. I agree that it's better not to use fresh cut tree as firewood, but if you have a chimney with the protection covering, you may use it.
Good luck!

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